Review - Tender Nova Mesh5

Tender Nova Mesh5

I recently purchased the Tender Mesh5 WiFi access points and have been disappointed with their performance. Despite their claims of superior range and speed, I've experienced numerous problems with these devices.

The setup process was a nightmare. The instructions were reasonably straight forward however the connection and setup process was clunky and unreliable. It took several attempts but I managed to get them connected.

Once I did manage to get them up and running, the range was average at best. I had to place them much closer together than I had anticipated, and even then, the signal was weak and inconsistent. This was especially frustrating given the price point of these devices, which are significantly more expensive than other options on the market.

To make matters worse, I found that the devices frequently dropped the connection entirely, requiring me to reset them multiple times a day. This made it impossible to rely on them for consistent connectivity, which defeats the purpose of having a mesh network in the first place.

Overall, I would not recommend the Tender Mesh5 WiFi access points to anyone. They are overpriced, difficult to set up, and unreliable in their performance.

Save yourself the frustration and look for a more reliable option such as the TP-Link Deco S4

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